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Provides the suit with medical supply compartments. It can be used to provide extra medical supplies based on existing ones. Also shortens cooldowns for First Aid Component.

  • Level 1:
    • Enables Resupply Medical Equipment. At Level 1, creates 1 extra Antivenom if you have at least 1 Antivenom item in your inventory. Resupplying Antivenom triggers a 40s cooldown. If you also have the First Aid Module component, the cooldown of Heal Ailments and Blood Gen-S is reduced by -5s.
  • Level 2:
    • Resupply Medical Equipment can now resupply Stimulants. Doing so triggers a 20s cooldown. Reduces the cooldown of Heal Ailments by -6s, and Blood Gen-S by -8s.
  • Level 3:
    • Resupply Medical Equipment can now resupply Medkits. Doing so triggers a 40s cooldown. Reduces the cooldown of Heal Ailments by -7s, and Blood Gen-S by -11s.
  • Level 4:
    • Resupply Medical Equipment can now resupply Fibrin Bandages. Doing so triggers a 60s cooldown. Reduces the cooldown of Heal Ailments by -8s, and Blood Gen-S by -14s.
  • Level 5:
    • Resupply Medical Equipment can now resupply Medical Nanites. Doing so triggers a 80s cooldown. Reduces the cooldown of Heal Ailments by -9s, and Blood Gen-S by -17s.